The Isle of Wight Franciscan Group consists of professed OFS members, enquirers, visitors and other faithful people from across the Island seeking guidance and encouragement on their spiritual journey, whilst giving help and support to everyone in the group. You are more than welcome to join the monthly meetings or to come along to those which interest you most.
“Inspired by the example of Saints Francis and Clare of Assisi the we strive to learn the importance of being Christ-like and to reflect His goodness to those we meet; as we live our lives for God embraced by His Holy Spirit”.
May the Lord bless you.
May He set His face to shine upon you.
May the Lord give you His peace.
St Francis & Christian Community :
20th July 2019 – 10:30am to 4:30pm
Sacred Heart Church Shanklin Isle of Wight
Our meeting this month will be an all day reflection on Saturday 20th July at the Scared Heart Church, Shanklin, Isle of Wight.
We will focus on what builds and differentiates a Christian Community. We will consider the early Christian communities, discover how both St Francis and St Clare of Assisi approached community and fraternity in Medieval times and think about our own Christian relationships today. The morning will include St Francis the Reformer video from Robert Barron’s Pivotal Players Series.
Everyone is very welcome to share the day with us, or to come along for just the morning or afternoon.
10:30 – Welcome – Tea/Coffee
11:15 – Video St Francis the Reformer – from Bishop Robert Barron’s Pivotal Players Series
12:30 – Mass Celebrated by Father Keith Windsor OFM Cap
13:15 – Lunch (please bring your own)
13:45 – St Francis, St Clare and Christian Community
15:30 – Tea/Coffee
16:00 – Evening Prayer
The event will be held jointly with the Isle of Wight Franciscan Group and St Anthony’s OFS Fraterntiy, Solent Area.