The above video is a trailer for the audio drama Brother Francis the Barefoot Saint of Assisi. There are ten episodes detailing the important aspects of the life of Francis. It’s well acted capturing the passion and emotion of St Francis, his parents, St Clare and so many other characters whose lives influenced Francis. David Suchet speaks the voice of God. It was recorded at The Soundhouse Studios in London [April 2016] and released by the Augustine Institute. Francis is played by Jospeph Timms.
1. The Troubadour [22 minutes]
2. A Fool in Chains [26 minute]
3. The Road Back [23 minutes]
4. Unclean [25 minutes]
5. Unshackled [19 minutes]
6. A Beggar Son [30 minutes]
7. The Rule [25 minutes]
8. Clare [22 minutes]
9. The Sultan [27 minutes]
10. The Little Poor Man [34 minutes]

It’s available in CD format direct from the Augustine Institute for US $29.94, but the cost of postage to the UK is horrendous! Thankfully it can be purchased as a audio download from Amazon/Audible currently priced at £17.95 [June 2017]
“If you think you know Francis of Assisi, you’re in for a surprise. Discover the astonishing life of Brother Francis, the fun-loving son of wealth and privilege who gave up everything for the sake of Christ. As a young soldier, he encountered suffering. As a victim of war, he began a search for inner meaning that would redirect his life. As a holy beggar, he embraced lepers, shook hands with the Pope, debated a Sultan, and touched the lives of millions.”
“A young man of wealth who became a traumatized prisoner of war and outcast. A holy beggar, he embraced the lepers, challenged a Pope, debated a Sultan and shook his world to its very core. Discover the Francis you never knew in Brother Francis. The Barefoot Saint of Assisi. 10 exciting episodes with over 50 actors capturing the power and passion of Francis of Assisi.”
Joseph Timms as Francis
Janie Dee as Pica di Bernardone
Owen Teale as Pietro di Bernardone
Daniel Philpott as Angelo di Bernardone
Geoffrey Palmer as Signior Ferrante
Harry Lloyd as Bernardo
Theo Maggs as Turo
Elizabeth Counsell as Lady Belladucci
Peter Moreton as Sir Marius
Dominic Hecht as Leonardo
Richard O’Callaghan as Bishop Guido
Ian Cullen as Don Peter
David Oakley as The Jailer
Guy Siner as Bishop Giovanni
Julian Wadham as Pope Innocent III
Wendy Craig as Lady Jacoba
Stuart Pendred as Don Michelino
Christopher Leveaux as Peter Cataneo
Raffey Cassidy as Clare (The Younger)
Finty Williams as Clare (The Elder) / Branca
Brian Deacon as Favorone
Michael Haughey as Monaldo
Emma Flett as Sister Humiliana
Katie Foster-Barnes as Pacifica Favorone
Robert Benfield as Renaldo
Chris Emmett as Griso
Richard Everett as Brother Duccio
Martin O’Brien as Brother Illuminato
Simon Jones as Cardinal Pelagio
Raad Rawi as The Sultan
Philip Sherlock as Kadin
Mervyn Stutter as Duke Leopold
Nick Burnell as Saracen Commander
Simon Cassidy as German Guard
Philip Cumbus as Brother Elias
Jacob Fortune-Lloyd as Rufino
Tom Alexander as Brother Giles
Philip Bird as Renzo
Justin Butcher as Mercuzio
and David Suchet as The Voice
©2016 Augustine Institute (P)2016 Augustine Institute
Video Sorce : Vimeo/AugustineInstitute