Have a listen to Alabaster [above] by the British Band “Rend Collective”. Their words flow towards the crucifix at Arezzo in Tuscany [below] where Francis can be seen at the feet of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Listen to the song while your eyes travel over the photo below. Did Francis pray words similar to those in the song – “I will bow my life at your feet – I am lost and found in You”?
The Franciscan Preparatory Prayer to the Stations of the Cross:
O most merciful Jesus, with a contrite heart and penitent spirit, I bow down in profound humility before Thy divine majesty.
I adore Thee as my supreme Lord and Master;
I believe in Thee,
I hope in Thee,
I love Thee above all things.
I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, my Supreme and Only God. I resolve to amend my life, and although I am unworthy to obtain mercy, yet the sight of Thy holy cross, on which Thou didst die, inspires me with hope and consolation. I will, therefore, meditate on Thy sufferings, and visit the stations of Thy Passion in company with Thy sorrowful Mother and my guardian angel, with the intention of promoting Thy honour and saving my soul.

I am broken at Your feet
Like an alabaster jar
Every piece of who I am
Laid before Your majesty
I will bow my life
At Your feet
At Your feet
My lips
So lost for words
Will kiss Your feet
Kiss Your feet
Oh the gravity of You
Draws my soul unto its knees
I will never be the same
I am lost and found in You

St Francis of Assisi – Prayer before the Cross:
Most high, glorious God,
enlighten the darkness
of my heart and give me Lord,
a correct faith, a certain hope,
a perfect charity, sense and knowledge,
so that I may carry out
Your holy and true command.
Also visit : The San Damiano Cross page – to read of words Christ spoke to Francis
Video source as above: Youtube
Video source with lyrics: Youtube